The illusive ‘feedback’ conundrum Listing Image

The illusive ‘feedback’ conundrum

clock icon Published Tuesday, June 2, 2020 / By Janelle Kelly

After almost 20 years as a recruiter, I am often still surprised by my interactions throughout the recruitment process.

After recently running a process for a job, I did my usual, and made a telephone call to each person I had shortlisted for the job to let them know they had been unsuccessful and where I could, provide specific feedback as to why.

I was met with the usual surprise by most that they would receive a phone call just to say they had been unsuccessful, especially when they hadn’t been selected for interview with the client. In my opinion, if a candidate takes the time to apply and meet with me personally to discuss the role and their job search, the least I can do is let them know the outcome.

What surprised me most though was calling the candidates who did interview with the client to let them know they were unsuccessful and why.

On two occasions the constructive feedback was met with a lack of interest, defensiveness and the need to move on from the phone call as quickly as possible.

I understand that it can be confronting to receive professional feedback but isn’t this one of the biggest gripes about the recruitment industry, not receiving any feedback?

My advice to people in the midst of their job search; soak up the feedback and take it onboard to use to your benefit. Improve for next time.

Ask questions, if the feedback doesn’t make sense to you, try and understand the context better.

Don’t run away from the feedback, (especially if it’s so rare) lean into it, ask for advice, talk it through with your recruiter.

Not only will you have a better chance of securing the next role, your recruiter will have more confidence and belief in representing you again because you’ve shown genuine interest in wanting to improve and being able to listen.
